The Holy Rebellion

Do we Worship Politics?

Travis Season 1 Episode 3

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Navigating Political Tribalism

In this episode, the hosts dissect the modern phenomenon of political tribalism, revealing how our cultural obsession with partisan identity has become a form of spiritual idolatry. They explore the patterns that transform political affiliations into near-religious movements, inviting listeners to focus their worship on Jesus Christ.

Drawing from personal experiences and the teachings of Jesus Christ, they challenge listeners to transcend divisive political narratives and embrace a radical form of spiritual growth. The conversation becomes an invitation to disciples to reorient their primary allegiance - not to political parties or ideological tribes, but to the unifying hope found in Jesus Christ.

This episode is a call to spiritual rebellion - challenging Christians to break free from the destructive cycles of partisan animosity and instead embody the revolutionary love of Christ. 

By sharing vulnerable insights and biblical perspectives, the hosts offer listeners a transformative pathway to engage with difficult social dynamics through the lens of discipleship, demonstrating how faith can become a powerful force of reconciliation and hope in an increasingly polarized world.


Our mission is to provide hope, provoke thought, and ignite a rebellion against all that is unholy - including the unholy living inside of us.

Every conversation is an invitation: To grow. To question. To transform. Join us in reimagining what it means to truly follow Christ in a world that constantly pulls us away from genuine discipleship.

We're not here to have all the answers. We're here to walk together, seeking Jesus, challenging assumptions, and growing in faith—one story at a time.

@the.holy.rebellion on Instagram

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